Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Critical Thinking Analysis of Penn-Marts Health Care...

A Critical Thinking Analysis of Penn-Mart’s Health Care Strategy Revisions Dennis D. Puskas University of Maryland University College DMBA 610 September 21, 2014 Abstract The following paper will use a set of 10 critical thinking steps recommended by Browne amp; Keeley to objectively analyze the memorandum sent by Salvador Monella who is the Senior Vice President of Human Resources to the Board of Directors at Penn-Mart. Mr. Monella has conducted a review of Penn-Mart’s healthcare strategy involving a number of issues including cost to the company and employee involvement, to name a few. The purpose of the review, findings, discussion and recommendations will all be analyzed using critical thinking skills in an objective manner.†¦show more content†¦Question 2: What are the reasons? Now we want to identify and analyze the reasons that support the conclusion we have identified in the previous section. We want to learn why the Mr. Monella thinks that his conclusion is true, which will be all of the reasons that he mentions which will draw us to the conclusion. The reasons that support the conclusion in Penn-Mart have been extracted f rom internal research that has been conducted under Mr. Monella. The reasons mentioned are listed below: 1) Growth in benefits costs is unacceptable driven by an aging workforce with average tenure. 2) Benefits costs could consume as much as 15 percent of their total profits in 2015. 3) Penn-Mart’s wages and benefits make up about 40 percent of their annual budget. 4) The least productive and least healthy employees are a drag on earnings. Question 3: What words or phrases are ambiguous? Next, we want to identify any phrases or words that are ambiguous including abstract terms or loaded language. Looking at the first reason, the word â€Å"unacceptable† is used to describe the growth in benefits costs. This is clearly ambiguous as we have no idea how the author defines unacceptable. Also, within that same phrase is â€Å"aging workforce†; this is also ambiguous. Aging to someone else could mean in their mid-30s, but to other people it could mean late 50s, thus this is another ambiguity. In reason number 2, 15 percent ofShow MoreRelatedRecommendation For Revision Of Penn Mart s Health Care Strategy2485 Words   |  10 PagesAbstract This paper is an analysis of the critical points of the â€Å"Recommendation for Revision of Penn-Mart’s Health Care Strategy† memo (Penn-Mart Memo) in relation to the points in the report by Roy Eichhorn, Strategic Systems Department, Army Management Staff College, entitled, Developing Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking at the Army Management Staff College. The author of the Penn-Mart memo is Senior VP of Human Resources, Salvador Monella whose indicated purpose is to offer a remedy to the spiralingRead MoreTeaching Notes Robert Grant - Strategy 4th Edition51665 Words   |  207 PagesBroking Strategies: Merrill Lynch, Charles Schwab and E*Trade 83 10 11 12 Emi and the CT Scanner [A] [B] 88 Rivalry in Video Games 98 Birds Eye and the UK Frozen Food Industry 109 1 CONTENTS 13 14 15 16 Euro Disney: From Dream to Nightmare, 1987–94 116 Richard Branson and the Virgin Group of Companies in 2002 125 General Electric: Life After Jack 131 AES Corporation: Rewriting the Rules of Management 139 2 Introduction This new edition of Cases in Contemporary Strategy Analysis

Monday, December 16, 2019

Coca-Cola and Pepsi harm India’s ecology Free Essays

Introduction Coca cola and Pepsi are MNC’s localized in almost every country. Their approach towards making profit is strategically not the same everywhere. India is a developing country, are the rules and regulations strict enough to stop these corporations to exploit the Indian locals. We will write a custom essay sample on Coca-Cola and Pepsi harm India’s ecology or any similar topic only for you Order Now We are focusing on marketing communications strategy followed by these corporations also other unethical activities carried out in India. The purpose of this research is to explain that the rules and regulations of a developing country are not enough to stop the localized MNC’s to continue their unethical activities keeping India as an example. The objective of our research is to analyze weather the actions of these MNC’s are ethical. Coca cola entered India in1956 since they had no foreign exchange act it made huge profits. After the formation of Indian foreign exchange act coca cola left India in the late70’s. Coca cola made its reentry in the 1990’s when the environment was liberalized and deregulated. Pepsi entered in 1986 as a joint venture with two local ventures in India. Both companies soon discovered competing in India requires special knowledge skills and local expertise†¦Ã¢â‚¬ what works here not always work there† (Cateora Graham, 2008, p. 604). Literature review Our research is based on different issues regarding environment and consumer rights violation. Previously Dr S.K. Chokroborty in 1997 wrote an article on the journal of business ethics about business ethics in developing countries. Harvard law review wrote on international environmental law Also Dr Panchali das researched on deception on advertising ethics. Chicago journal on Nationalism and Ideology in an Anticonsumption Movement. The global strategies of coke and pepsi are explained in economic and political weekly 1999 by Arijit biswas and Anandya sen Proposed study Our research study seeks to analyze three controversial issues related to operations of coca cola and Pepsi in India Advertisement in rocks of India Use of ground water in India and dumping of chemical wastes Pesticides in products of India The research seeks to study the background and the regulatory framework within which it functions. Issue 1: Advertisement in the rocks of India â€Å"Advertising is a non-moral force, like electricity, which not only illuminates but electrocutes. Its worth to civilization depends upon how it is used.† – J. Walter Thompson International soft-drink rivals Pepsi and Coke spend millions of rupees on a marketing war in the mammoth Indian market. They have marketed many super stars of Bollywood, who are admired in whole South Asia. The most prominent cricketers have also been roped in. As brand ambassadors their well-known faces are seen on billboards, newspaper pages and television. The Coke-Pepsi rivalry is so vigorous that nearly every shop, bus-stop stall and roadside restaurant has been created into the one or the other’s empire. In September 2002 both companies were blamed for winding mountain road from manali to the 4000 metre-high Rohtang pass in himachal Pradesh, Northern India. There were averages of 4 to 5 ads per kilometer either painted on to rock faces or nailed on to trees on the mountainsides, the billboards for almost 56-km stretch. The forest conservation act 1980 of India makes it clear that no individual must use forest as a source of making personal gain. It was a clear violation of the act. The first to react was Indian express with an article â€Å"rape of the rock†. The Supreme Court had put a stop to the advertisement campaign. . The intervention brought to the notice of the Supreme Court the painting of huge Pepsi and Coke logos on rocks that has destroyed geological evidence dating back to 45 million years. Geologists understand the geology of the area by studying and observing rocky outcrops. If the area has been painted over they cannot do research. The newspaper quoted a profes sor in the Geology Department of Punjab University saying â€Å"these mountain facades have a huge eco-system. There is moss that grows on these rocks, and then there are innumerable species of microorganisms. All is completely destroyed when the rock surface is painted.† After the case was solved both the companies had to pay 10 million for compensating the damage done to the ecology. The Supreme Court also asked the forest department to look around for such activities prevailing in some other states. Issue 2: Use of ground water in India The village of Mehdiganj is located approximately 20 kilometers from the holy Indian city of Varanasi. In Mehdiganj, a resistance was started in 2002 by farmers under the banner of Gaon Bachao Sunghursh Samiti to protest the pollution and water shortage attributed to Coca-Cola. Farmers in Mehdiganj and surrounding villages are agitating against the Coca-Cola bottling plant located in Mehdiganj. The anti-Coke activists further claim that the Coca-Cola plant is destroying the region by consuming 2.5 million liters of water every day and is contributing to a serious water crisis. In highlighting the problem of water, activists claim that Coca-Cola uses its financial muscle to buy government favor and influence its functioning as a regulatory authority. They say The company dumped sludge in the fields around. People started to develop sores on their feet after they walked through the water discharged was the flooding of their fields. Mosquitoes were a serious threat, and malaria cases have increased. Many have said that some hand pumps in the area have been issued for errors, unsafe drinking water. Still both cola rivals are carrying out operations in India putting their future at risk. Issue 3: Pesticides in products of India In 2003, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), a non-governmental organization in New Delhi, said aerated waters produced by soft drinks manufacturers in India, including multinational giants PepsiCo and Coca-Cola Company, contained toxins including lindane,DDT,malathion and chlorpyrifos–pesticides, that can contribute to cancer, a breakdown of the immune system and cause birth defects. Tested products included Coke, Pepsi, 7 Up,Mirinda,Fanta,Thums Up,Limca and Sprite. Today’s youth icons from the cricket world like Sachin Tendulkar, Virender Sehwag and Dhoni freely endorse Pepsi coke. The sponsorship of a sport like cricket in particular may cultivate positive attitudes by associating the product with characteristics which young people admire. In the wake of the recent controversies shrouding Coke and Pepsi, regarding allegations of containing pesticides, these stars not only endorsed these soft drinks but also went so far as to claim that they were safe. This was advertising going too far Aerated soft drinks, apart from promoting the wrong kind of images, have long been suspected of leading to lower calcium levels and higher phosphate levels in the blood. When phosphate levels are high and calcium levels are low, calcium is pulled out of the bones. The phosphate content of soft drinks like Coca -Cola and Pepsi is very high, and they contain virtually no calcium. In the Indian state of Kerala, sale and production of Pepsi-Cola, along with other soft drinks, has been banned. Five other Indian states have announced partial bans on the drinks in schools, colleges and hospitals East India Company that came into the country for trade robbed India of its wealth for 200 years and soon invaded us. Today in place of East India Company, 14,000 multinational firms are robbing India. Leading this pack are Pepsi and Coca Cola. These firms sell several varieties of cold drinks and are taking away 5000 million rupees. References Nationalism and Ideology in an Anticonsumption Movement Author(s): Rohit Varman and Russell W. Belk Source: Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 36, No. 4 (December 2009), pp. 686-700 Published by: The University of Chicago Press 1997 A Conceptual Review Of Advertising Regulation And Standards: Case Studies In The Indian Scenario -panchali Das* Ivan L. Preston (1987). A Review of the Literature on Advertising Regulation, 1983-87. Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 10 (2): 123-152. Michael A. Kamins and Lawrence J. Marks (1987). Advertising Puffery: The Impact of Using Two-Sided Claims on Product Attitude and Purchase Intention. Journal of Advertising 1997 A Conceptual Review Of Advertising Regulation And Standards: Case Studies In The Indian Scenario -panchali Das* Agrawal, Anil, and Sunita Narain 1991 GlobalWarming in an UnequalWorld:ACase of Environmentalism. Delhi: Centerfor Science and Enviroment. How to cite Coca-Cola and Pepsi harm India’s ecology, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Windows Networking Design Implementation †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Windows Networking Design Implementation? Answer: Introduction The present IT infrastructure of B2B Company will be investigated. The exisiting threats of the present network will be studied. The secured network design with necessary IP addressing , hard ware and software requirements will be studied. The network devices that are needed to implement the secured network design will be explained briefly. Network diagrams and IP addressing designs will be made. Network Design Project Scope The network planning[1] by keeping security as one of the important parameters.B2B company has six departments and the requirement is a router across each department and hence the network is designed with 6 routers and these six router share 500 workstations. Finance department has 100 workstations. Transport office has 50 workstations. Research office has 25 workstations. Sales office has 25 workstations. Information technology has 250 workstations. The head office has 50 workstations. Security devices are provided in layers to implement the safe handling of the network. As a network security architect, the criteria to be implemented are taken into consideration. The network is designed in such a manner that it has proper flow of information [2]. To implement the confidentiality, the network is protected or crypted with passwords. Web based filtering is also implemented by using proper certified website through a web filter and also by blocking the insecure sites. Role based access control is also implemented in the network. RBAC is used to aid the users perform specific tasks according to the departments. The network also has IPS, firewall and webservers[3]. Security Threats A security threat[5] is nothing but a risk that can create harm or damage the network's working environment. The threat mostly comes in the form of a software threat. There are many threats that can affect the network. Some of the security threats are Ransom ware Software vulnerabilities Hacktivism Online hacking Cloud attacks The threats may also come in the form of virus, Trojans. DoS attack is nothing but the denial of service attack that is used to create data traffic artificially and can make a server drown very easily. The threats can also be categorized into physical and non-physical threats. The physical threats are nothing but the threats that cause damage to the devices. The types of physical threats are internal, external and humans. Nonphysical threat is the one that creates loss of data or information. The nonphysical threats are also called the logical threats. The logical threats are more dangerous. Secure Network Design Security is considered as a major factor in designing the network. More layers of security are provided. The first layer of security is provided by the VPN[7][8]. The second layer of security is provided by the firewall. The third layer of security is provided by IPS. VPN diagram is shown below. Since different sites are used the end users may need to send the data through WAN. VPN will give lot of security features in this type of IT network infrastructure. Detailed diagram of the LAN network is shown. The IP addressing scan be as per the requirement. Finance Office got 100 workstations. In DHCP server this can be Scope_Finance and the allowed IP ranges can be Transport Office got 50 workstations. In DHCP server this can be Scope_Transport and the allowed IP ranges can be 168.1.121- Research Office got 25 workstations. In DHCP server this can be Scope_Research and the allowed IP ranges can be 168.1.181- Sales Office got 25 workstations. In DHCP server this can be Scope_Sales and the allowed IP ranges can be 168.2.1 - Information technology got 250 workstations. In DHCP server this can be Scope_IT and the allowed IP ranges can be 168.3.1- Head Office got 50 workstations. In DHCP server this can be Scope_Headoffice and the allowed IP ranges can be 168.4.1- The security blocks used in the network include Firewall Antivirus server IPS system Three layers of security are implemented in the network diagram. First layer of security is implemented by the firewall. Second layer of security is implemented by the anti-virus servers. The third level of security is implemented by the IPS system. Firewall is installed between the router and the server. In order to provide the security to the servers, antivirus server is also implemented. PS is the abbreviation of Intrusion Prevention System. It protects against the threats by examining the network traffic. Hardware requirements and devices Required hardware [6] to implement the secured network is explained below. A router is a one that establishes connection between two or more wired or wireless devices that frames a structured network. Router has memory and operates like a embedded device. Router is also responsible for handling incoming and outgoing packets. Packets are basic unit of the network. There are many types of router like Brouter, Core router, Edge router, Virtual router, Wireless router. Manufacturers Name-- Cisco Series Series-- Integrated Services Routers Model-- 4000 Switches are used to connect devices. Router also serves the same functionality but the difference is that routers are used to connect the network and the witches are used to create the network. There are two main types of switches. They are manageable switches and non-manageable switches. Switches are considered as valuable assets for a network. Switch have many ports. According to the port, the switch can be 2 port switch, 4 port switch or the multiple port switch. Switch allows the flow of the network in a structured manner. Manufacturers Name Cisco Series Catalyst Switch Model 6880-X Network cables are used to connect one device to the other device physically.There are many types of cables used in network.They are Twisted pair Fiber optic Coaxial Patch Power lines Twisted pair cable is one which has pairs of wires in twisted form.Fibre optic cable is one which has glass core in the center that is surrounded by many protective materials.The protective layer is nothing but the layer of insulating jacket. Patch cable is one which is mostly used for connecting electrical devices Manufacturers Name Hitech Products Private Limited (falcon Cables) Series Networking cable Model CAT-5 Like a wall which gives security to the buildings, firewall also refers to the system which provides security to the networks. Firewall blocks the authorized access. Firewall can be a software application or a hard ware device. Web Server A webserver is one that aids one to browse or handle webpages. The webserver works with the help of HHTP.HTTP is a type of protocol. They share the viewing and editing control of webpages upon request Software Requirements Windows servers need Windows 2012 R2 Operating system[10]. Web server can be implemented in Apache/IIS. Routers and switche3s will be having inbuilt OS. CIAA CIAA stands for confidentiality, integrity, availability and authentication[8]. In the present network VPN is configured. So the data confidentiality is ensured. Integrity can be checked by using many techniques like parities. Availability can be implements for keeping the data in multiple palces. Authentication can be achieved by using active directory in this design Conclusion The security implementation to the various blocks used in the network diagram is clearly explained. The misconfiguration of webserver by an attacker is prevented by using the antivirus server. The antivirus server protects the application server from vulnerable software. Suppose a malicious document gets opened by an employee, it can be considered as a threat. The threat can be avoided by taking care of the network traffic using the IPS system. DNS server is also kept away from the cache poisoning using the IPS system. References [1]"Network design checklist: How to design a LAN",SearchITChannel, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://searchitchannel.techtarget.com/feature/Network-design-checklist-Six-factors-to-consider-when-designing-LANs. [Accessed: 29- Sep- 2017]. [2]I. Cisco Systems, "Introduction to Cisco Network Design Designing Campus Networks",Ciscopress.com, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.ciscopress.com/articles/article.asp?p=25259. [Accessed: 29- Sep- 2017]. [3]"Campus Network Design Models",Network Computing, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.networkcomputing.com/data-centers/campus-network-design-models/1685370612. [Accessed: 29- Sep- 2017]. [4]P. Oppenheimer,Top-down network design. Indianapolis, Ind.: Cisco Press, 2011. [5]"Security Threats",Msdn.microsoft.com, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc723507.aspx. [Accessed: 29- Sep- 2017]. [6]"Network Devices", 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.certiology.com/computing/computer-networking/network-devices.html. [Accessed: 29- Sep- 2017]. [7]"How VPN Works: Virtual Private Network (VPN)",Technet.microsoft.com, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc779919(v=ws.10).aspx. [Accessed: 29- Sep- 2017]. [8]"Information Security Concepts +1: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availablity, and Authenticity",Bright Hub, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.brighthub.com/computing/smb-security/articles/29153.aspx. [Accessed: 29- Sep- 2017]. [9]V. Ltd., "Network solutions, network monitoring, network filrewall systems, network security - VirtueWorld - Website Design and Development",Virtueworld.com, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.virtueworld.com/network_solutions/designing_and_implementation_of_vpn_networks.html. [Accessed: 29- Sep- 2017]. [10]"Windows Networking Design Implementation Guide",Cisco, 2017. [Online]. Available: https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/additional-legacy-protocols/ms-windows-networking/10624-winnt-dg.html. [Accessed: 29- Sep- 2017].