Thursday, October 31, 2019

Research Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5

Research Methods - Essay Example Nevertheless, this report point towards the expanding trend in full figure retail among the clothing fashion industries. According to this report, it had several strengths in exploring the future trend of plus sized female clothing. For instance, there was the full use of good presentation skills in presenting the main ideas. The recent data collected in the report prove that retailers who forego the need for dwelling in plus size fashion will fail to enjoy the market profits. There was proper use of English and flow of ideas in explaining the crucial themes of research. More so, the report shows that the average sizes for women dresses have improved from size eight to fourteen. Nevertheless, there were several weaknesses of the report in delivering the data collected. For instance, there was no proper presentation of the online or offline businesses that adhere to the requirements of the full figure customers. This is unlike the market of skinny women that retail in numerous clothes of all kinds. For a long time, clothing and fashion industries have neglected the plus sized market to cater for women who are size 14 and above. The report could curb the weakness by having a proper plan and time while collecting data. Opportunities for the research relate to a need for additional retailers of plus size clothes. Since the average size of most people is changing from size 12 and above, retailers should foresee a means of making profits. The increasing full figure people increases the demand for such clothes that manufacturers and fashion industries should take note. The challenges faced relates to the process of collecting data. The report had limited information from the library and local shops regarding the retailers of plus size clothes. Such a challenge requires a plan for the next research regarding plus size fashion and clothing. For instance, the research could try and use visitations to the

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