Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Health Care Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health Care - Research Paper Example Mainly, this assumed racial lines meant to marginalize the nonwhites thus denying some practitioners chance to enjoy the institution’s services if they so wished. Due process in most instances aligns well with the certain judicial decisions contrary to the stare decisis whereby the latter owing to the verdicts arrived at earlier; do not accommodate any alterations (Mitchell, 2011). This is especially in occasions when the court might feel the decisions made did not have viable justifications, hence entail rectifications. Due process’ verdicts draw their conclusion from the judicial considerations though in certain circumstances may prompt judges to incline to its demands. i. The Social Security Act (1965)’s legislation led to the improvement of both the aging and poor people’s healthcare through the provision of insurance (Winston, 1965). This was via the creation of Medicare besides Medicaid, which yielded to the augmenting of former policies effectiveness (Winston, 1965). The ratification of this Act sought to avail affordable healthcare especially to the poor after Truman waged a series of intense debates meant to establish national insurance plan (Loker, 2012). ii. Enactment of Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (1986) that enabled people to receive immediate medical attention without the practitioners considering an individual’s ability to cater for the services (Kochakian, 2012). It also entailed medical centers to handle patients to the extent one on release has recuperated fully, and can make informed decisions (Cassanego, 2010). The government in passing this act aimed at availing healthcare services to the public without first inquiring any pay especially during times of catastrophes (Cassanego, 2010). iii. Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (2003) ratification created subsidized dispensing of drugs especially to the aging (Larsen & Lubkin, 2009). Since,

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