Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Foreign Direct Investment---Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Remote Direct Investment - Economics - Essay Example What precisely are remote direct ventures, and why have they expanded so consistently What variables make outside direct speculations such a famous worldwide event A remote direct speculation, as the name states, includes organizations who contribute long haul abroad. There are four kinds of FDI's for business companies to browse. The most regularly favored for additional organizations are mergers and acquisitions. They include an exchange of advantages from the starting enterprise to the one which is outside based. (Wikipedia, 2006). Greenfield ventures are speculations or extensions for another company. There are two types of vertical outside direct ventures which include in reverse vertical FDI and forward vertical FDI. In reverse vertical FDI includes an out of the nation business which gives assets/advantages for a local business. Forward vertical FDI includes a business abroad that sells the sum created of a business' local production(s). A.T. Kearney Inc. is a worldwide administration counseling firm that is a functioning individual from the Global Business Policy Council. This gathering helps and exhorts head officials on geopolitics, macroeconomics, mechanical changes, and macroeconomics around the world (A.T. Kearney, 2006, p.1). A.T. Kearney went through more than seven years studying various head administrators from more than one thousand organizations worldwide for their suppositions on future FDI development and targets. The organizations and their officials that were overviewed involve 70% of the aggregate FDI. In December 2005, A.T. Kearny distributed their discoveries in their FDI Confidence Index. The review was involved sixty-eight nations that contribute 90% of the worldwide FDI (A.T. Kearney, 2006, p. 2). They chose the best twenty-five nations as indicated by their FDI certainty. These nations were positioned by a score given from zero to three. Scores more like three was given to those nations with th e most noteworthy measure of FDI certainty. For instance, China got the most elevated FDI certainty rating for a score of 2.197. For what reason would China be keen on outside direct speculations A nation, for example, China is keen on FDI's to improve the financial condition of its own nation dependent on the various advantages of remote venture contributing. There are numerous focal points and attractions for remote markets to put resources into one of the universes biggest and developing markets. China's populace was assessed in 2005 at over 1.3 billion individuals. It holds a huge portion of 20% of the world's absolute populace assessed at 6.5 billion individuals. (Prasad, Eswar and Wei, Shang Jin,2005). Numerous worldwide enterprises will decide to put resources into thickly populated nations, for example, China. Organizations will pick China in light of the fact that their own nation comes up short on an adequate work gracefully. The expense of China's work power is significantly low in contrast with other encompassing Asian nations. Numerous remote direct financial specialists have discovered this pract ical and have made and carried a great many occupations to China. The US, a nation which owes most of its yearly populace development from movement, would see China as a significant wellspring of labor just as an ever expanding and creating economy. Then again, the populace development has become so overpowering high for China that the legislature has needed to

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Meaning Of An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley :: Papers

The Meaning Of An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley J.B.Priestley's An Inspector Calls is a decent play that assaults the social issues of now is the right time; it contains all the elements of a all around made play. This is on the grounds that it is exceptionally emotional, and it has the consideration of the crowd. It gets this by the utilization of peaks, the slow plot of a criminologist with continuing on style. Notwithstanding this the creator is worried about the darker side of the world. The play is Priestley's endeavor to attempt to state this. Priestley considers the to be as not exceptionally honest and dismissing its obligations. The individuals from the Birling family are just concerned with them selves over others. They are answerable for the youthful woman's' demise by treating her extraordinary; and show what Priestley is attempting to state, and is battling against. An Inspector Calls is an all around made play since it contains numerous factors that support consideration of the crowd. One of the elements that makes the play charming is the utilization of peak, the manner in which it keeps the crowd as eager and anxious as can be all the route through; it is very delayed to assemble the plot and afterward at long last has an amazing peak, for instance the manner in which the Inspector removes little snippets of data from the family and gradually puts the picture together and limits it down to the liable individual as the peak. He deludes the family until they are generally negating one another. He keeps the crowd speculating entirely through the play, and as pieces of information are tackled the offender becomes more clear, however when one thinks the individual in question knows who it is Priestley astutely changes to another character. This makes the crowd inspired by the activity that is going on. The peculiar appearance of the Inspector when the Birlings are having a festivity gathering, and Mr Birling is giving a discourse on how the cutting edge man ought to be. The Inspector steps in nearly as he was set up to challenge Mr Birling; this appears to raise realities about the

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Income elasticity of health care essay

Income elasticity of health care essay What is elasticity and why its important for economics? The term of elasticity plays a quite big role in economics. For any country its important to define the income elasticity of health care demand to manage the health economics more effectively. Two countries, Great Britain and United States were first who started to make research in such field as health economics. Elasticity in economics measures the ability of customers to buy goods. If the income elasticity goes high, it means that the customers are able to buy much more of this good. The ability to buy the goods increases with the growing of the customers income. If the income elasticity is positive, it means the health care is a normal good. For example, the income increased on 20% may lead to 10% increase of health care expenses. But if the income elasticity is negative, we can say that the health care is an inferior good. It can happen if health care expenses were decreased on 10% because of 20% increase of consumers income. When peoples income is increasing, their demand for health care increases too. It explains why highly developed countries have much higher level of medicine and health care compared to poor countries. Thats why its hard to define to sort health care services as necessity or optional, because for poor countries some services could be luxury, at the same time in rich countries the same health care services will be necessity. This dependence shows us that with growing income the demand is increasing as well. Needless to say that the elasticity of demand for health care services will be various. So, it will be more correctly if to value demand elasticities for each type of health services, such as x-ray, lab work, preventive care, etc. Health care services are very sensitive to income and prices, thats why some of these services (such as life saving measures, urgent operations, etc.) should be allowed even for poor people free or at a special price, because for them its impossible to pay for health care services the same price as rich or medium class people can allow. Of course, its necessary to make more research on health care economics to understand the demand. Its clear that elderly people have a higher demand for health care, so the costs of health care will increase for societies of aging people. Poor countries have lower demand, thats why health care wont be highly developed there.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Early Intervention And The Impact On Child Development

Early Intervention and the impact on child development Children are the most flexible during their early stages of life. The development of the child is very critical during their early stages. Parents play a vital role in the life of their children; the development of the child depends on the attitude and approach of the parents. The parents should have a very deep concern about the attitude that they adopt about raising their children so that the early stage of life could be utilized at the bets level. As the impacts are very much critical at the early stage of the life of a child, it is important that the intervention of the parents in the life of the child is at a balanced approach, thus ensuring that the child is being guided at the†¦show more content†¦The parent has the responsibility of understanding the problems that the child incurs during the course of life and ensures that the child is counseled appropriately and directed in the proper manner. The parent is consi dered to be the point of responsibility of the child when a decision for the child’s life is to be taken. The role of the parent is very critical in the life of the child, every stage of life that the child does through directly or indirectly a reflection of the child’s life. The guidance of the parents has a lot of significance in the life of the child. The guidance that is given to the child by the parents is just reflection of the parents’ experience and their understanding towards life. This guidance becomes the main element that helps in building up the character of the child. Despite the fact that the parents with specific guideline raise the child and their character is formed thus making the child just reflection of their parents’ character, there are certain differences that incur in the child’s personality. The basics of the life of a child come from the parents however the personality of child may be different from the parents. (Lifecho. com, 20112) Due to the fact that the parents play a very critical role in the life of a child, it could be said that the early intervention of the parent in the child’s life has a great deal of impact on various aspects of the

Monday, May 11, 2020

Writing And Fear Public Speaking - 881 Words

For the final project, I would like to write a paper. I would prefer to do this opinion because I enjoy writing and fear public speaking. The midterm paper was fairly easy for me to complete, as I am good at sitting down and concentrating on one subject for a long time. Additionally, I love expressing myself through words. As an introvert with slight anxiety, the idea of public speaking is terrifying. While I have no problems saying my opinions in class, I do not like standing in front of a group of people. It is intimidating, and I would rather not force myself into a situation that will make me uncomfortable. The topic that I would most like to talk about during the second part of class is same-sex marriage. This subject will make an interesting point for discussion and will spark debate, which is a vital part of philosophy class. I would love to talk about something that I care about so much in an academic setting. It would be fascinating to hear why people support or disapprove o f the practice. I am a firm believer that gender does not matter when it comes to love, and want to find a way to express how much love means to me. When people who are meant to be together find each other, it is beautiful and almost otherworldly. They should not be denied the right to be happy because of their gender. Love is the most powerful force on earth, and just because the idea of two men or two women together makes certain members of Congress uncomfortable is no reason to prevent itShow MoreRelatedInformal Learning Experience734 Words   |  3 Pagesthis study is to examine an informal learning experience such as how someone might have a fear of height or how a particular food or smell moves the individual emotionally or why someone develops the fear of elevators. For the purpose of this study the reason an individual would fear public speaking is examined and the importance of informal learning for gaining experience and confidence in public speaking. Informal Learning I. The informal learning experience was examined by the late Urie BrofenbrennerRead MoreOvercoming Fear of Public Speaking822 Words   |  4 PagesKhatri Date: Jan 29, 2014 Subject: Proposal to write a report on how to overcome the fear of Public Speaking. Purpose To help individual overcome the fear of Public Speaking by understanding their fear and taking the plunge to get over those fears. We purpose to research and write a background report on the issues involved on overcoming the fear of public speaking. Background of the Problem Public speaking is not a talent that anyone could have. In fact, it is a way of learning skills andRead MoreI Am Not A Writer787 Words   |  4 Pagesexperience with writing. Writing was never of interest to me and I deemed it unimportant. 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The good news is that by implementing distinctive steps within fundamentals, delivery, and research, once fearful speakers can generate massive confidenceRead MoreIt is widely known that in EFL learning situations, many students â€Å"exhibit fear of foreign language1300 Words   |  6 PagesIt is widely known that in EFL learning situations, many students â€Å"exhibit fear of foreign language speaking† (Yaikhong Usaha, 2012, p. 23). In Asian countries, EFL learners suffer even more in language classroom anxiety because of insufficient language environment. According to Scovel (1978), anxiety in language learning is â€Å"a state of apprehension, a vague fear† (p. 134). Such anxiety may exist in many aspects of language learning process. Language classroom anxiety is one of the most commonRead MoreFear of public speaking Essay1389 Words   |  6 Pagesdeep breath, you stumble thro ugh the speech. When it’s finally over, you practically run back to your seat, cheeks flaming bright red. You slump down, already dreading the next time you’ll have to deal with your upmost fear: public speaking. For as long as I can remember, public speaking has always been one of my greatest weaknesses. Whether it’s a simple in-class presentation or a speech in front of an auditorium filled with people, I can barely get my words out from the anxiety and stress. I’ve alwaysRead MoreReflection Of Public Speaking706 Words   |  3 Pagesadequate public speaker but, I’m considerably better writing papers than speaking in front of an audience. My time in this class is forcing me to confront aspects of public speaking that I’ve never attempted before. I believe that I’m gaining a great deal of knowledge from this class thus far, but I have a few things to learn to advance my public speaking skills. Currently, I have strong points and weak points that I’m working on, and hoping to develop further during my time in class. Public speakingRead MoreImportance Of Writing On Writing1351 Words   |  6 Pagesinstills fears that you will never live up to a standard set in your mind or one that’s been set for you by others.† This quote accurately describes my relationship with writing. A significant part of my fears and apprehensions about writing relate to creating that perfect paper. I consume too much time judging if what I have written is good enough for the reader, as well as for myself based on my standards. It is important that I recognize how the value in expressing my ideas in writing could potentiallyRead MoreA Different Perspective Of Public Speaking1619 Words   |  7 Pagesperspective of public speaking. In the grand scheme of education, effective speaking is common. But more often than not, professors fail to offer students the tools they need to construct and deliver a speech. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What changes are planned for Portobello road in the near future Free Essays

After investigating how Portobello road was like 10 years ago, how it is like today and why these changes have occurred, there is a noticeable land use pattern that is changing as technology develops and more improvements are proposed by the council. One of the main goals for the government is to bring down the unemployment rates to below the average in inner London (see figure on page ) in order to achieve the goal, the council are going to offer a grant up to a maximum of i300 to each person aged 25 and over, this will enable them to purchase any items which are required in their job descriptions such as tools or clothes for interviews. The royal borough are also planning to organise a youth training centre which delivers NVQ levels 1 and 2, literacy, numeracy and key skills qualifications, and are hoping to offer skills training to 16- 18 year olds, many of whom have no educational qualifications. We will write a custom essay sample on What changes are planned for Portobello road in the near future? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although these solutions may tackle the problem of unemployment, it is not guaranteed that everyone will use the grant given, to purchase work items, and as a result a lot of money will be wasted. The council also want to offer the royal borough a better quality of life, by making the area cleaner, safer, healthier and more attractive as a place in which to live and work. One of the ways in which to do this would be to for the council to keep its own detrimental impacts on the environment to the lowest practical levels. The environmental services department are also aiming to improve street cleansing and improve trade waste collection services. It aims to get 60% of businesses involved in recycling by 2003. It is also piloting a cycle delivery scheme in Portobello road. All these improvements will improve the quality of life for residents and will also increase tourism, which will be financially, a benefit to the trade on Portobello road. Above were the general improvements being proposed for the whole borough, but is more useful to study the improvements being proposed for the 3 main sections of Portobello road. Proposed improvements for the Northern section of Portobello road (Goldbourne ward) One of the proposals for this area is to make this part of the road a one way southbound in order to avoid congestion, heavy traffic, noise pollution and gas emissions, and so reducing the number of accidents, and therefore increasing the safety for pedestrians. Hopefully this proposal will attract more visitors and there will be more trade. The council also intend on improving the maintenance of shops, so they look more attractive and visible, and therefore gain more passing trade (mostly from tourism). However this approach may prove to be a disadvantage, as the increase in tourism would result in conflict between local residents and tourists and so resulting to high crime rate. The third proposal that will be put forward by the council, concerning this part of the road is to improve street lighting and ensure that brighter lighting will reduce the number of car accidents and bring crime rates to a minimum. Finally, improving direction signs and providing simple market maps near tube stations and shops, should encourage more tourists, and allow them to feel more comfortable finding their way around the area. Proposed improvements for the Central section of Portobello road (Colville ward) The central section of Portobello road is also in need for improvement, and therefore a number of proposals have been made, taking into account that this part of the road is dominated by the fruit market and so remains active all week. The first proposal being made to the central section is the removal of on street parking, because the continual presence of traders’ vans prevent easy access to the shops on the Westside of the street and also provide an additional cover for an on street crime. Also on weekdays pedestrian flows are higher in this section then anywhere else on the road, (as shown in the flow chart fig. 2. 11) so the removal of on street parking on these days at least would provide a more relaxed and attractive shopping environment, which would turnover the general appearance of the area for the better. Another proposal being suggested is to revise a one-way system to reduce traffic, and so avoiding accidents and providing a safe environment for the visitors and pedestrians. In order to encourage more midweek trading the council have also proposed for large eight feet by nine fit pitches to trade upon. The council have also made a proposition to start a customer complaint system, as in the black cab trade, this should hopefully allow the customers to come forward about any queries involving the market trade, i. . reporting tatty shop fronts, to generally improve the appearance of the area, etc. The main problems caused in this section are linked to the arrival of major chain stores such as Tesco and Woolworth’s, which are inevitably continuing to raise standards in their search for more market share, and therefore continuing to grow in number, both in terms of floor space and profits. However any expansion of these major stores must be at the expense of retailers elsewhere, s uch as small family businesses. One of the reasons why chain stores are successful is because their range of goods are continually expanding, quality control standards are high and customers are allowed to select items of their own choice under a spacious, convenient and comfortable environment. In order to match up to these standards, small businesses will be encouraged to improve the range of goods on offer, provide a high standard of display, increase shopper comfort, introduce a customer complaint system and reduce the level of rubbish on the street. The council will also provide a larger pitch for local stores to trade upon. Proposed Improvements for the Antique section of Portobello road (Pembridge ward) This section of Portobello road remains active all weekend, and benefits largely from tourism. Therefore the propositions being put forward by the council have been modelled so that they would not result in a significant reduction in the retail function of this area. The 1st proposal being put forward concerns the issue of on street parking which is usually illegal, this need to be removed in order to relieve pedestrian congestion on Saturdays and give Saturday antique traders the chance to unload and load directly from Portobello road, this should hopefully reduce conflict between drivers and pedestrians, however this would result in parking difficulties for most residents as their spaces would get occupied by the large number of customers who wish to park their cars. Restrictions to vehicle access to residents between 10-2pm needs to be enforced in order to remove any possibility of vehicle -pedestrian conflict on Saturday to provide visitors with a spacious, relaxed, car free environment. The council have also proposed to have better pedestrian crossing facilities at Portobello road and west borne grove junction, in order to increase the safety of visitors and other pedestrians. Widening the pavements across the road would provide visitors with a single large through fare with attractive displays of goods on both sides. The council have proposed improvements to street lighting in all three sections of the road, in order to keep crime rates at a minimum and increase the levels of safety. Direction signs and street maps are also up for improvement in order to make them clearer and allow customers to move around freely and so to encourage trade. Promotion and advertisement on all parts of the road have been encouraged, in order to publicise the road and gain more passing trade. How to cite What changes are planned for Portobello road in the near future?, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Class Communication In Multicultural America Essay Example For Students

Class Communication In Multicultural America Essay Class Communication In Multicultural America Essay According to the article, Class Communication in Multicultural America, the increase of racial diversity as well as the rise of new technologies, influenced the media. These no longer target their message to a broad mass, as it was the case since the 1950s, but tend to rather tailor it for specific publics, which are defined in terms of social class, gender, and race. Hence, audiences are segmented, or divided, using these criteria, to provide them with more personal information. By the same token, advertisers are now being sold those niches by newspaper or cable channels, for example. Magazines, newspapers, radio, or television have therefore adapted their communication to this new tendency. They are trying to reach racial and cultural minorities that are growing and represent an interesting market. These media are mainly paid through advertising and corporations are aiming for these subgroups in order to generate profit. Thus, advertisers are no longer being sold space or time to channel their message, but rather the number of persons in a given niche, as well as the characteristics linked to their class. According to the author, this process could be dangerous, in the sense that early media use to provide mass audiences with the same content, which created a common culture. Whereas now, with the rise of specific media, the public is divided in terms of the information they are given. Although it might be profitable to minorities, since they are being addressed directly, the author suggests that it could as well reinforce existing differences within society. The fact remains that dividing people by class, for instance, and then assume that all of them respond to the same characteristics, is a way of stereotyping them. This type of segmentation lacks in differentiating between the members of a given minority whom might not share the same language or culture, as it can be the case for the Asian one. In my opinion, and as said in the article, segmentation truly results from financial decision, made in order to reach audiences that could generate profit. However, the author writes that media specially targeted for minorities might prevent them from learning or accessing the mainstream culture. It seems to me that people from Latinos minorities, for example, are very attached to their culture and their language and are therefore great consumers of Spanish programs or magazines. Nevertheless, most of them are bilingual and being targeted by specific messages do not necessarily prevent them from understanding or knowing about the mainstream culture. Bibliography: .

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Free Essays on Maslow Rokeach

Maslow’s Theory says that he believes that humans strive for an upper level of capabilities and humans seek the limit of creativity, the highest level of consciousness and wisdom. Maslow has set up a hierarchic theory of needs. All of his basic needs are instinctual, equivalent of instincts in animals. Humans start with a very weak outlook that is then shaped as the person grows. If the environment is right, people will grow straight and beautiful, realizing the potentials they have inherited. If the environment is not "right" they will not grow tall and straight and beautiful. One must satisfy lower level basic needs before progressing onto meeting the higher-level growth needs. Once these needs have been reasonably satisfied they may be able to reach the highest-level called self-actualization. The steps of this pyramid starting from the bottom include: Physiological needs, Safety needs, Belonging needs, Esteem needs and finally Self-actualization. I agree with him on the his pyramid because I think that you can not go on to the next subject or â€Å"level† until the one you are currently on is completed. Different people have different levels of completeness. Rokeach’s Theory was about open and closed mindedness about beliefs, attitudes and values. He had a system that he followed about beliefs, attitudes and values that were as follows: Beliefs vary in centrality: the more central, the more resistant to change. Change in central Beliefs lead to overall change in belief system. Changes in peripheral Beliefs lead to less change in overall system. Value is the most important conception in understanding behavior. Values have two functions: Instrumental (day to day) and Terminal (ultimate aims).... Free Essays on Maslow Rokeach Free Essays on Maslow Rokeach Maslow’s Theory says that he believes that humans strive for an upper level of capabilities and humans seek the limit of creativity, the highest level of consciousness and wisdom. Maslow has set up a hierarchic theory of needs. All of his basic needs are instinctual, equivalent of instincts in animals. Humans start with a very weak outlook that is then shaped as the person grows. If the environment is right, people will grow straight and beautiful, realizing the potentials they have inherited. If the environment is not "right" they will not grow tall and straight and beautiful. One must satisfy lower level basic needs before progressing onto meeting the higher-level growth needs. Once these needs have been reasonably satisfied they may be able to reach the highest-level called self-actualization. The steps of this pyramid starting from the bottom include: Physiological needs, Safety needs, Belonging needs, Esteem needs and finally Self-actualization. I agree with him on the his pyramid because I think that you can not go on to the next subject or â€Å"level† until the one you are currently on is completed. Different people have different levels of completeness. Rokeach’s Theory was about open and closed mindedness about beliefs, attitudes and values. He had a system that he followed about beliefs, attitudes and values that were as follows: Beliefs vary in centrality: the more central, the more resistant to change. Change in central Beliefs lead to overall change in belief system. Changes in peripheral Beliefs lead to less change in overall system. Value is the most important conception in understanding behavior. Values have two functions: Instrumental (day to day) and Terminal (ultimate aims)....

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Meaning and Origin of the Surname Peterson

Meaning and Origin of the Surname Peterson Peterson is a Scandinavian patronymic surname meaning son of Peter. The given name Peter is derived from the Greek πΠ­Ãâ€žÃ ÃŽ ¿Ãâ€šÃ‚  (petros), meaning rock or stone, and has been a popular name choice throughout history for the Christian apostle Peter, chosen by Christ to be the rock on which the church was to be found.  It is estimated that there are over 700 different spellings of the Peterson surname and suspicions that the name came from the Danish name Petersen. Quick Facts The Peterson spelling may also be an Americanized form of similar non-English surnames such as Petersen or Pettersson. Five additional alternate surname spellings include Peters, Petersson, Peterssen, Peterzen and even Pedersen.The surname is most commonly found in European countries such as Denmark, Germany, Holland,  and Brussels in the northwestern region.In Denmark, it has been calculated that nearly 3.4% of the population has the surname Peterson.Peterson is the  63rd most popular surname  in the United States.Some of the most popular male first name with the surname Peterson include John, Robert, and William. Anna, Emma, and Mary are some of the most common female names.The origin of the surname includes  English, Scottish, and  German. Famous People Oscar Peterson: Canadian jazz pianist and composer  who won eight Grammy AwardsAmanda Peterson: Former American actress who was in the romantic comedy movie Cant Buy Me Love (1987)Drew Peterson: Former policeman convicted of murdering his wifeAdrian Peterson: NFL running back for the Minnesota VikingsDebbi Peterson: American drummer and musician in the all-female band, The Bangles Genealogy Resources 100 Most Common U.S. Surnames Their Meanings   Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, Brown... Are you one of the millions of Americans sporting one of these top 100 common last names from the 2000 census?Peterson Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Peterson surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Peterson query.FamilySearch - Peterson GenealogySearch and browse historical records and family trees for the Peterson surname and its variations on the free FamilySearch website.Peterson Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Peterson surname.DistantCousin.com - Peterson Genealogy Family HistoryFree databases and genealogy links for the last name Peterson. To find the meaning of a given name, review the resource First Name Meanings. If, for some reason, you cant find your last name listed below,  suggest a surname to be added to the Glossary of Surname Meanings and Origins. References: Surname Meanings and Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1967.Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German-Jewish Surnames. Avotaynu, 2005.Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia. Avotaynu, 2004.Hanks, Patrick, and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Children and hand-washing and Diaper changing Research Paper

Children and hand-washing and Diaper changing - Research Paper Example Work up a good lather for at least one minute. I actually felt confident about my hand washing and diaper changing techniques because I have helped take care of baby nieces and nephews in the past so this task was not really alien to me. I just had to make a few adjustments to my technique in order to come up to the required methods for this class. Like I mentioned earlier, I needed to make a few adjustments in terms of where to lay the clean diaper and how to transfer the child to that clean diaper. My hand washing technique, however, does not require any changes. I have learned that properly positioning the diaper under the child and making sure that the diaper is properly spread out could spell the difference in a childs comfort. The more spread out the diaper, the more comfortable the child will be. I also learned the importance of having clean hands while changing a

Monday, February 3, 2020

Mental and Physical Problems Stemming From Childhood Obesity Research Paper - 1

Mental and Physical Problems Stemming From Childhood Obesity - Research Paper Example According to Pretlow (2010), childhood obesity is caused by the imbalance between the calorie intake and calorie utilized (p. 1). Changing life styles, life philosophies and eating habits are causing this problem. Many of the modern children consider eating as a recreational activity. They are not much interested in researching the ingredients of the food while taking food from fast food outlets and restaurants. Instead of nutrients, taste is the primary factor considered by the modern children while taking foods. At the same time, modern generation is less interested in physical workouts even though they are taking excessive fatty and sweetly foods. Thus excess calories acquired through food get deposited or accumulate in the body as fat which will create problems in the life of the child at present as well as in the future. Karnik & Kanekar pointed out that â€Å"Lack of playtime, little or no physical education at schools, videogames and excessive TV viewing time are proposed as the major cause of the childhood obesity epidemic† (Karnik & Kanekar, p. 4). Obese children may not be able to socialize properly with peers. They often undergo bullying and teasing from the fellow students. So, they will try to limit their activities in front of computers or television sets. They may not go out and play with the peers because of the fear of teasing and harassment. Many children have the habit of taking shelter in eating to avoid frustrations generated out of obesity related problems. Overeating may increase the obesity related problems further. Modern researches have shown that childhood obesity may cause physical and mental problems in the current life of the child as well as in the future life of the child. Physical health problems such as overweight, high blood pressure, cholesterol, coronary problems, diabetes, thyroid etc and mental problems such as lack of self-esteem,

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Complications of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Complications of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery INTRODUCTION: Endoscopic sinus surgery, a widely used method in the treatment of chronic sinus disease can lead to major (0-1,5 %) and minor (1,1-20,8% ) complications. These complications are still important nowadays. Central nervous system (CNS) fistula, hemorrhage, meningitis, orbital injury and even death are major pathologies. These are usually the result of injury of fovea ethmoidalis or orbital structures [1-4]. If the skull base anatomy and its possible variations are well known these risks will be minimized. ‘Fovea ethmoidalis’ which seperates ethmoid cells from anterior cranial fossa forms the roof of ethmoidal labrynth [5, 6]. Fovea ethmoidalis adheres to lateral lamella of cribriform plate which is a medially located very thin bone [7]. Keros [8] classified the depth of olfactory fossa as the height of lateral lamella in 1962. According to his classification if the height of lateral lamella MATERIAL-METHOD Two hundred paranasal sinus computed tomographies performed for various reasons as a total of 400 hemisides of paranasal region were analyzed retrospectively. Patients under 18 years of age, with a history of prior surgery, trauma which led to massive destruction of bones and patients with congenital anomalies were excluded from the study. A hundred of the patients were female (18-77 years old, mean age: 36,91) and 100 male (18-76 years old, mean age:34,25), respectively. MDCT scanner (Siemens Medical Solutions, Enlargen, Germany) with consecutive 1mm thick sections were obtained and coronal multiplanar reconstructions were performed. Bone algorithm was used. In our study , we measured that the depths of olfactory fossa, identifying Keros types, the distances of the ethmoidal roof from hard palate, the distances between upper and lower limits of the orbita bilateraly. The height of ethmoid roof was calculated by measuring the distance between ethmoid roof and the upper limit of orbit a. Measurements in coronal sections were performed at the level of the optic nerve just posterior to the orbital globe. Also the shapes of the bone from the confluence of ethmoidal fovea with lateral lamella are called type 1 if its shape looks like a broken arrow (broken wing) and type 2 if its shape is flat (flattening) and forms of the asymmetry were investigated. Keros typing, ethmoid roof height and asymmetric shape of the fovea were investigated in both sexes whether there is a relationship between them. NCSS statistical analysis (Number Cruncher Statistical System) 2007 Statistical Software (Utah, USA) was performed with the package program. Data were evaluated by descriptive statistical methods (mean, standard deviation), as well as comparisons between groups one-way analysis of variance, in the sub-group comparisons Tukeys multiple comparison test, in the binary comparisons of groups and independent t test, in the qualitative comparisons of data chi-square and weighted kapp a compatibility test was used. Results significances were evaluated at p RESULTS: According to the classification of Keros, 3.75% of the patients Keros type I (n = 15), 59.5% Keros type II (n = 238), 36.75% Keros type III (n = 147). Keros type III is more common in males (n=86, 43%) than females (n=61, 30.5%) (p = 0.017). The shapes of fovea ethmoidalis in 97.25% (n = 389) of the patients were the broken arrows (type 1), while 2.75% (n = 11) of the shapes were flat (type 2) . In 54 cases (13.5%) an olfactory fossa Keros type asymmetry, in 11 cases (2.75%) foveal shape asymmetry was found. In seven patients (3.5%) as well as the foveal shape asymmetry also Keros olfactory fossa type asymmetry was seen . Keros type I patients’ orbital maximal height average were measured 33.07  ± 1.24 mm, Keros type II patients 32.57  ± 1.97 mm, Keros Type III patients 33.31  ± 2.11 mm respectively. In the male patients , the average heights of the orbits of Keros III group were significantly higher than Keros group II (p = 0.034). The olfactory fossa depth was measured at an average 6.45  ± 2.16 mm on the right , 6.39  ± 2.21 mm on the left. The average depth of the olfactory fossa in males (6.7  ± 2.45 mm) was higher than in females (6.13  ± 1.84 mm) (p = 0.01). There was no significant difference between the olfactory fossa depth between type 1 or type 2 foveal shape. Right and left olfactory fossa depth which were used for detection of Keros typing was compared. In 93 patients (46.5%) from the total of 200 patients asymmetry was detected. In 55 patients > 1 mm (27.5%), in 38 patients had > 2 mm (19%) difference was found. Forty-eight of them female and 45 were male. In seven of the same patients showed foveal shape asymmetry also. Average right ethmoid roof height 7.59  ± 2.25 mm ,average left ethmoid roof height was measured 7.75  ± 2.38 mm. In men with type 2 foveal shape the groups average height of the ethmoid roof (9.59  ± 2.77 mm) was higher than the foveal shape of type 1 group (7.66  ± 2.36 mm) (p = 0.042). In women, the average height of the ethmoid roof of type 2 group (8.75  ± 1.76 mm) was higher than type 1 group (7.34  ± 2.11 mm) (p = 0.03). There was no statistically significant difference was observed between the averages of heights of ethmoid roofs in Keros type I, II and III patients. Right and left ethmoid roof heigh ts were compared in total of 200 patients. There was an asymetry between left and right sides in 93 patients (46.5%) . In 55 patients > 1 mm difference (27.5%), in 38 patients had > 2 mm difference (19%) was found. Forty-nine of them were female, 44 of them were male. Five of the same patients showed asymmetry in the shape of the fovea also. In 54 patients (27%), asymmetry was observed in both ethmoid roof height and olfactory fossa depth . Twenty-nine of them were female, twenty-five of them were male. In the same group; the foveal shape in four patients showed asymmetry also. For the Keros type I patients both sides of the olfactory fossa depth asymmetry ratio was found to be more (53,3%) than the other types. For the same measurement, the ratios were found 40,8% and 29,4 % with Keros type II and type III respectively. Kerosian ethmoid roof height of both sides in patients with type I, asymmetry ratio was found to be greater (40.0%). For the same measurement, the results were 33.3% and 29.4% in Keros type III and type II respectively. In the Keros type I patients foveal shape asymmetry was found to be greater (20.0%) than the other types . The foveal shape asymetry for Keros type II was 4.2% and 4.08% for Keros type III respectively. DISCUSSION: The ethmoid sinuses have special importance especially in patients undergoing sinus surgery . Because these sinuses are close to vital organs such as the anterior cranial fossa, dura, orbita, optic nerve and anterior ethmoid artery [12, 13]. During endoscopic sinus surgery, the maximum likelihood of injury of the skull base is in Keros type III cases in which olfactory fossa are deep [9]. In 1962, in Keros’ study with 450 patients, type II patients at a rate of 70.16% (which was the most common type in that study), type III 18.25% and type I 11.59% of the patients [8]. In our study 3.75% of the patients were Keros type I (Figure 1), 59.5% of the patients were Keros type II (Figure 2), 36.75% of the patients were Keros type III (Figure 3) . After the point of the junction of fovea ethmoidalis with cribriform plate as well as the depth; the shape and symmetry of these structures are also important . In our study, in 93 patients (46.5%), olfactory fossa height asymmetry was detected and in another 93 patients (46.5%) foveal shape asymmetry was found. In 54 cases with height asymmetry there was also shape asymmetry (27%). In a study made by Basak et al. [14] in Turkey on 64 children with Keros type I, type II and type III incidences were explained in the following way; 9%, 53% and 38% . Anderhub et al. [15] researched 272 cases of German children for the analysis of cases of ethmoid roof . The results of their study were as follows: 14.2% of the patients Keros type 1, 70.6% of the patients Keros type II, 15.2% of the patients Keros type III . In Jang and his collegues study [16], on 205 adult patients, type II was the most common (69,5%). In Alazzaw and his collegues study [17] on 150 patients with 3 separate ethnic group type I 80%, type II 20% and type III 0% of the patients were detected. In a study made by Elwany and et al. [18] on 300 Egyptian 42,5% of type I, 56,8% type II and 1,4% type III were found respectively. In this study, the type II olfactory fossa was the commonest type in men (66.7%), while the type I fossa was commonest in women (53%). In a study made by Souza et al. [19] on 200 Brazilian with type I 26,3%, type II 73,3% and type III, 0,5% of reported cases. Solares et al. [20] in United States examined 50 cases, 83% of the cases type I, 15% type II and %2 type III respectively. In a study in Turkey Erdem et al. [21] showed 8,1% in 136 patients with type 1, 59,6% type II, 32,3% type III; Sahin et al. [22] in 100 cases detected 10% of the patients type I, 61% type II, 29% type III. Dr. Satish Nair [23], found that 77,2% of type II in the study, 17,2% of type I and 5,6%. of type III 5,6% respectively. As seen in the studies, differences are observed between different countries. In a study by Lebowitz et al. [24] 200 paranasal tomographies were interpreted. In 86 of the cases, olfactory fossa shapes were symmetric and their heights were the same. Ninety-six cases had shape asymmetry, 19 cases had height asymmetry in olfactory fossa, one case had both shape and height asymmetry. In a study made by Dessi et al. [11] on 150 Italian patients, 10% identified asymmetry of the height of the olfactory fossa. In Fan and et al. [25] studies’ on 160 Chinese patients, 15,6% of cases showed olfactory fossa height asymmetry, 38,75% of cases had foveal shape asymmetry. Souza et al. [19] showed ethmoid roof height asymmetry in 12% of the cases, contour asymmetry in 48,5% of the cases. Michael Reiss et al. [26] studied 644 patients, of which 31 % was detected height asymmetry. Kizilkaya et al. [2] reported that in 37,95% patients was detected height asymmetry. Dr. Satish Nair [23] identified height asymmetry in 11,7% of the cases. In the same study, ethmoid roof heigh t and contour asymmetry was found in patients at the highest rate with type I (67,8%); than 32,3% and 40% with type II and type III followed. In a study made by Kaplanoglu et al. [27] on 500 patients ; in 80% of cases was found height asymmetry, the foveal shape asymmetry was detected in 35% of the patients in the same study. Our current study in patients with Keros type I both olfactory fossa depth and height of the ethmoid roof asymmetries had greater percentage. But in our population Keros type I is less seen. However, most of the skull base injuries were seen in Keros type III cases at a prevalance of 36,75% in our study in which olfactory fossa depth and height of the ethmoid roof asymmetry rates were quite high (respectively 40,8%, 33,3%). Preoperative computed tomography must be interpreted in detail. Especially Keros typing must be done and all the variations should be evaluated carefully. CONCLUSION In patients undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery; knowledge of anatomic details and average lengths of skull base and their neighbouring structures and the possible variations of anatomical structures are very important for the prevention of complications that may occur during the operation. Therefore, the preoperative evaluation of paranasal sinus CT by considering the various possibilities is necessary and inevitable. REFERENCES 1. Hemmerdinger SA, Jacobs JB, Lebowitz RA. Accuracy and cost analysis of image-guided sinà ¼s surgery. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2005; 38:453–60. 2. E. Kizilkaya, M. Kantarci, C. C. Basekim et al., â€Å"Asymmetry of the height of the ethmoid roof in relationship to handedness,† Laterality, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 297–303, 2006. 3. 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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Caribbean culture Essay

Creolisation is a top element of the Caribbean culture. It is a word derived from the word Creole; it however is not meant to just describe the Creole culture. It is a broad anthropological term used to describe the coming together of different cultural traits especially of the West Indies to form a new trait. This occurs when two or more languages are combined to give one unique language. In essence, Creolisation refers to the blending of diverse cultures to give one unique culture. The adaptability of Creolisation by the Caribbean culture in this age of globalization is a good thing for the Caribbean economy but may be injurious to the culture of the Caribbean peoples. Because the people of the caribbeans will be speaking a common, creolized language it will be relatively easy for the member states of the Caribbean region to communicate with each other. Creolisation of their cultures will enhance further understanding among the creolized states of the Caribbean. ( Ancelet et al, 2001) Nearly all the states of the Caribbean have â€Å"creolized† cultures. From the Jamaicans, the Cajuns, the Bahamas, British Guyana etc. Their various cultures have been creolized. They all speak the language of their colonial masters in the pidgin form and have adopted certain cultures form their colonial masters. Like the drinking of processed liquor, smoking of cigarettes etc. These imperialist cultures have made several African countries’ economies to suffer. Country like Nigeria which used to eat the type of the imperial master’s food, his wine and wear his clothes spent fortunes of its country earnings to fund the importation of these items. This led to a plunge in the fortunes of this country. The Caribbean however are people that are very proud of their heritage. They designed their own music form (e. g. reggae) have their own drinks- which are largely influenced by the culture of their forefathers. Their food has however been creolized as it is influenced by imperialist cultures. Though it is still very much part of their own creation. In creolising, care must be taken not to change an existing culture completely. This fear is as captured by Appiah as thus: â€Å"Nevertheless, contemporary multiculturalists are right in thinking that a decent education will teach children about the various social identities around them. First, because each child has to negotiate the creation of his or her own individual identity, using these collective identities as one (but only one) of the resources; second, so that all can be prepared to deal with one another respectfully in a common civic life. Much of current multicultural education seems to me to have these reasonable aims: let us call this weak version â€Å"liberal multiculturalism† (1997). † From Appiah’s documentation, creolisation has been viewed from these perspectives: a. creolisation as the major social and cultural fact about Caribbean life (what matters will of course be the social process but it may prove illuminating to proceed via linguistics) and b. Arnold’s accounts of i. Western culture as an amalgam of Hellenism and Hebraism, and ii. the English race as an amalgam of Celtic, German and Norman â€Å"bloods†. Considering the errors that are often linked with cultural talk, the creole context, and an Arnoldian perspective on the West or simply on England, both reveal that a culture lives, changes, innovates, is in a process of continuous evolution. Where alternatives are to hand, this often means selection, not simply preserving and reproducing. It is not therefore a complete or necessarily coherent bundle to which we may add Gellner’s point about the multiplicity of nearly all cultures: the official first eleven has a fall-back for other occasions, scriptural Islam versus the dervishes. The Creole context makes it plain that there is nothing genetic in operation. More importantly, that context gives no one reason to think a culture will continue in the same old way. As noted already, we find proper examples in Trinidad or now in St Lucia. Alleyne was sad to see that a form of Twi-Asante is â€Å"dying† (Alleyne, 1988) in Jamaica. There is reason for the Caribbean to regret that they no longer speak like Chaucer, or Arnold. One may regret death, but that does not entail that one would endorse immortality — we must move to a view that puts life and death in their place and accepts both. Or to return to less exalted matters, it may be pleasant to discover†retention† but it is not what makes or breaks a culture. â€Å"Transculturation† (Bolland, 2001) can be endorsed with out it. without it. Economic integration will automatically come in with the achievement of cultural integration. This will provide for a bigger, more cohesive, stronger and unity front for which the Caribbean states can push for economic and political relevance in the world order. It is good to note however that there is a significant level of creoliastion in the Caribbean. They all speak an almost similar language; pidgin English, have similar music etc. however a lot can still be done in the creolisation of the in the Caribbean. Major impediments to a successful creolisation in the Caribbean are the influence of colonialists. Different states of the Caribbean had different colonialists who set then in captivity, freed them and are now coming back in the name of neo-imperialism. The different states of the Caribbean speak the languages of their colonialists-maybe in the pidgin form. A perfect example of creolisation is with the Cajun language, which is a mixture of French and English and also African languages. Language is in general evaluatively neutral. As Macaulay pointed out long ago, there is no intrinsic basis in the language to prefer Latin to Chinook as a component of elite education. If one thinks of culture by reference to conventions like language, there is scarcely any scope for evaluatively ranking exemplars, but if one focuses on the way culture operates as â€Å"an engineering program for producing persons† (Nerlich, 1989) then there is no more reason not to discriminate among them than there is not to distinguish a saint or an ordinary decent person from the likes of Pinochet or Burmese generals. â€Å"Moral† equality among persons is no bar to moral discriminations. Of course creolisation doesn’t provide us with a recipe. There is still much difference of opinion on what has actually happened in the case of prototypical creoles and pidgins. But one lesson I would wish to draw from recent debates is that what is salient for ordinary usage (once upon a time, foreign-born, now whatever it is) or for some theoretical perspective (e. g. , origin in a colonial slave plantation) does not uniquely characterise the outcomes of contact situations. There are a host of types of language contact bringing with them a host of outcomes, perhaps depending on particular social or historical configurations. Mufwene has enunciated his idealised and apparently deterministic version of this idea in relation to creoles, immigrant workers’ varieties, etc. by saying that â€Å"in all these cases of language contact we still deal with the same equation for restructuring; only the value of some variables keep changing† (Mufwene, 1997). Taking this in conjunction with the fact he has particularly stressed, that the categories we rely on have been taken from the contingencies of the social reality, not from theory, we find that what structurally or in some other respect are very similar situations become classified differently. The terminology remains affected by the connotations attached to terms by metropolitan non-specialist users. So, speaking of American or Australian English, Mufwene remarks â€Å"there are other good socio-historical reasons why these varieties have not been called creoles: they developed in settings in which descendants of non-Europeans have been in the minority; and they have not been disowned by Europeans and descendants thereof† (Mufwene, 1997). References 1. Appiah, K. A. (1997). The Multiculturalist Misunderstanding, New York Review of Books, October 9, 2006 2. E. P. Brandon, (2001). Creolisation, syncretism, and multiculturalism

Friday, January 10, 2020

The War Against Topics for Essay Ielts

The War Against Topics for Essay Ielts New Questions About Topics for Essay Ielts IELTS essay writing is a rather difficult exam and requires the utmost training. Take a look at the questions and become acquainted with topics you would get on the true exam. Looking at IELTS essay topics with answers is an excellent method that will help you to get ready for the test. Actually, obtaining an idea about the the latest IELTS Essays has a competitive advantage as it gives someone an idea about the sort of essays he might expect in his exam on the 1 hand, and increase his preparation on the opposite hand. Through carrying adequate research, writers are in a position to generate original and highest excellent essay papers. You might consider obtaining a personal trainer who can inform you where you must work harder and deliver you feedbacks on your writings. When writing essays, a great deal of research is demanded. Although there's a consistent essay formula that will assist you to structure your essay and paragraphs, you will need to be careful of the various kinds of essay questions there are. The cost of an essay rides on the total amount of effort the writer has to exert. There are several essay writing online companies which are readily available. There are two major means by which you can use the most typical IELTS essay topics to your benefit. What About Topics for Essay Ielts? Writing companies should make certain that customers get essay papers which are in compliance with instructions. Healthcare shouldn't be provided for free regardless of someone's income. Compliance with deadlines is vital because students are supplied with time for doing revisions. Other individuals believe it's up to each person to be environmentally responsible. The IELTS essayAKA IELTS Writing Task 2is the most dependable portion of the exam. Questions can vary from topics like the classroom to the curriculum. You're able to take my online IELTS Writing Practice Test anywhere on the planet and find a score, corrections, and feedback in only two days. Learning from perfect case in point is not a poor system for language apprehension. Successful sports professionals can make a whole lot more cash than people in other significant professions. In case you're unsatisfied with the work it is possible to secure the job revised free of charge. Moreover, healthy food is normally inferior to fast food in conditions of taste and prices as an issue of fact. In addition, compared with the wide range and availability of fast food stores and menus, it is seriously limited. Some people believe that strict punishments for driving offences are the trick to reducing traffic accidents. On the other hand, they doubt the effectiveness of education for certain reasons. All people ought to be vegetarian. Explain a few of the methods by which humans are damaging the surroundings. The Fundamentals of Topics for Essay Ielts Revealed By comparison, nowadays, a lot of the men and women think that choosing their own marriage partner is the ideal approach to have a long-lasting relationship. Without love, there's no future for their kids and as a consequence, it results in divorce. From another perspective, a lot of people support that marriage should be dependent upon love. In my opinion, education may be a viable measure with careful consideration of different impediments. For instance, the firm may not be providing great customer service through social networking and thus you could suggest how to improve it. You wouldn't should know any particularly obscure words (although it may help you a little) like the internal components of an engine or the names of archaic kinds of transport. There are different kinds of technology papers. It's possible for you to purchase technology papers which have been custom written by professional writers in the discipline of technology. Topics for Essay Ielts Options Some people believe computer games are bad for kids, while some believe they're useful. Additionally, the memory of test-takers might not be reliable. Well, there's another method out for you. While it might not be feasible to receive familiarised with them all, we can certainly practice with those that are common. As stated above, one of the methods where the examiner judges your vocabulary is the way many topic particular words you use. You should also discover the correct words and sentences. If you're not acquainted with a topic, utilize the internet to discover more. Each topic is broken up into subtopics that you should prepare. The very first step would be to decide on a suitable topic in the event the topic is not yet provided by your instructor. Quite frequently, the very best topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get well prepared to research it.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Global Economy - 1112 Words

Without the internet, it may be fair to say that the global economy we know of today would conceivably collapse. Where the internet makes it easy to order products and supplies for consumers and retailers all over the world that convenience would obviously be lost if the internet would cease to exist and import and export markets throughout the globe would surely crumble. Some may see this view as a dramatic interpretation, but just thinking about all of the products and services that are managed by the use of the internet today, it really sheds light on how dependent the world actually is on it. 3. Contrast differentiation and low cost strategies (noting that many firms use a mixture of both). What characteristics of an industry, firm, product and/or customers might tend to encourage a firm to employ a differentiation strategy? What are some of the dangers or commonly made mistakes of using this strategy? Similarly, what characteristics of an industry, firm, product and/or customers might tend to encourage a firm to employ a low cost strategy and what are some of the dangers or commonly made mistakes of using that strategy? Which (or which mixture) does your firm use and why? Which strengths is it drawing upon and/or which competitor weakness is it attacking? How does the nature of the industry – its products or services, its relevant driving forces, etc. – tend to encourage the use of a particular strategy, if at all? †¢ Firstly it is important to differentiateShow MoreRelatedEconomic Economy : The Global Economy1024 Words   |  5 PagesFormative: The Global Economy Topic: Show how the imposition of a tariff by a small country will have a consumption effect, a production effect, a government revenue effect, and a trade effect on the economy of that country. â€Å"If the country is a ‘small country’ in international markets, then the policy-setting country has a very small share in the world market for the product—so small that domestic policies are unable to affect the world price of the good†. (Suranovic, 2010, pg. 296). Hence theRead MoreThe Threat Of Global Economy1078 Words   |  5 PagesOur global economy is consuming renewable resources rapidly than we can restore and demand has overreached the support of natural systems. 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Additionally, the global economy facilitates the trade of goods and materials which satisfy the demands of over seven billion peopleRead MoreThe United States Economy As The Global Economy935 Words   |  4 Pagesthe past year. The price for United States crude oil is now just 48 dollars a barrel, the lowest it has been since 2009 (BBC News). So what is the cause for this sudden change and to what effect will this have on the United States’ economy as well as the global economy? There are three core contributors that account for this sudden dip in oil prices. These contributors are a low demand for oil in many countries, specifically Europe, that is caused by a lack of economic growth, the increase in TheRead MoreQuestions On The Global Economy Essay700 Words   |  3 Pages Running H ead: Exchange Rates - MNCs 1 Excha nge Rate Stability and Multinational Companies Patten University Professor Wade MBA 630 The Global Economy - RJO Unit 6 Essay Assignment Running Head: Exchange Rates - MNCs 2 When we take a neophyte view of m ultinational companies, it is often tainted by media stories of behemoth organizations than plunder the world in search of selfish destructive profit motives that produce investment returns for greedy board members, managers and investors. RarelyRead MoreGlobalization And The Global Economy1720 Words   |  7 PagesFor many of the world’s population, the growing integration of the global economy has provided the opportunity for substantial income growth. This is reflected not only in higher incomes, but also in the improved availability of better quality and increasingly differentiated final products. However, at the same time, globalization has had its dark side. There has been an increasing tendency towards growing equalization within and between countries and a stubborn incidence in the absolute levels ofRead MoreGlobalization : A Global Economy Essay1521 Words   |  7 PagesGlobalization is the process in which we as humanity are coming together to form a global economy around all sorts of different infrastructures. â€Å"The globalization process implies the incorporation of national economies, cultures, political systems and various identities of capitalist system which require the removal of all hurdl es to cross-national interaction and exchange often created earlier by protectionist states† (Aamir, 1). Globalization is the greatest thing to happen to us as humans, we