Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Global Economy - 1112 Words

Without the internet, it may be fair to say that the global economy we know of today would conceivably collapse. Where the internet makes it easy to order products and supplies for consumers and retailers all over the world that convenience would obviously be lost if the internet would cease to exist and import and export markets throughout the globe would surely crumble. Some may see this view as a dramatic interpretation, but just thinking about all of the products and services that are managed by the use of the internet today, it really sheds light on how dependent the world actually is on it. 3. Contrast differentiation and low cost strategies (noting that many firms use a mixture of both). What characteristics of an industry, firm, product and/or customers might tend to encourage a firm to employ a differentiation strategy? What are some of the dangers or commonly made mistakes of using this strategy? Similarly, what characteristics of an industry, firm, product and/or customers might tend to encourage a firm to employ a low cost strategy and what are some of the dangers or commonly made mistakes of using that strategy? Which (or which mixture) does your firm use and why? Which strengths is it drawing upon and/or which competitor weakness is it attacking? How does the nature of the industry – its products or services, its relevant driving forces, etc. – tend to encourage the use of a particular strategy, if at all? †¢ Firstly it is important to differentiateShow MoreRelatedEconomic Economy : The Global Economy1024 Words   |  5 PagesFormative: The Global Economy Topic: Show how the imposition of a tariff by a small country will have a consumption effect, a production effect, a government revenue effect, and a trade effect on the economy of that country. â€Å"If the country is a ‘small country’ in international markets, then the policy-setting country has a very small share in the world market for the product—so small that domestic policies are unable to affect the world price of the good†. (Suranovic, 2010, pg. 296). Hence theRead MoreThe Threat Of Global Economy1078 Words   |  5 PagesOur global economy is consuming renewable resources rapidly than we can restore and demand has overreached the support of natural systems. 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